Saturday 9 July 2011

London, Chiswick Park and Acton Green Station, c1908

London, Chiswick Park and Acton Green Station, circa 1908. The station was run by the Metropolitan District Railway (now the District Line). In 1910 the station was renamed to the simpler Chiswick Park. In 1931 the station was rebuilt to a modern design by Charles Holden. Although the modern Google Street View does not flatter the building, its clean lines are more pleasing than the Victorian original. Postcard published by Young & Co of Teddington. For more old photographs please visit Sepia Saturday. As always, click the picture to enlarge.


  1. I do like the modern building better.

  2. I also like the modern building, but just a little bit of landscaping would be nice. Is there a tree there now?

  3. That seems to be the case with all these old photos. I go back and look at old photos of my hometown and then go there it is not my hometown anymore.

  4. For once I like the modern building better even although it seems to serve the motor car rather than foot passengers.

  5. I don't know that I like the modern building, not from the Google view anyway, but certainly the old station wasn't exactly a thing of beauty.

  6. I like the old building better. Looks more interesting to me.

  7. love the post card photo. the new building I like c of all the windows

  8. I know those new Tube Station buildings are supposed to be iconic, but there is a certain something about the old style building as well, and you see so few old tube stations still standing.

  9. I too much prefer the modern building! Not often I can say this, perhaps I'm just getting old!

  10. actually I am a fan of the older one more......the new is nice too, but the older moments pull my interest more! Thanks!

  11. Sorry ! I Prefer The Old Building.But, saying that, the modern sky is better! :)

  12. I like the sepia postcard! I can imagine that family, with child in tow, off on an excursion.



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