Monday, 29 November 2010

Heston, Middlesex c1910

The horse trough has been moved a few feet away. Heston today:

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Also see this post for a view of the Rose and Crown pub nearby.


  1. Interesting view looking towards Norwood Green and before the war memorial was placed here.
    I remember the first house on the right. In the 1960s the owner had a new house built behind it and the old one was demolished. I went past there only this week {March 2011} to find the "new" house is now being demolished too.

  2. right..old cottage bought by vicar 1950...extend graves....1950s 60s graves..there back the land of the old family 1802 timberlake wallbanks.meads little...lindsey...1921 mrs becker helped pay unveiled memorial 99 names.carved no names put on 2nd war..sutton hall gentry becker...largest church graveyard country...massive number burial huge parish .to isleworth hounslow northhyde..stretch....hounslow barracks 600 men.heston parish....hardy of heston church book on graves and ..alter display their collection heston bks photos yrs ago..1900yr heston school by church....mkt gardening..orchards..brickmaking...

  3. Would love to see any picture of Sutton Hall if anyone has one. I have only managed to see an image of the perimeter wall and a plan on the ordnance survey map



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