Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Cheapside, City of London c1910

The first view is looking east. The statue on the left is that of Sir Robert Peel which was later moved to Hendon Police College. On the far right is the site of what is now the recently opened (October 2010) One New Change shopping centre.

 The Google Streetview of Cheapside looking east shows the building of the shopping centre in progress:

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The postcard below shows Cheapside looking west. The building on the far left is the old Mappin and Webb building, now replaced by No 1 Poultry. The church shown in both postcards is the famous St Mary-le-Bow which houses the equally famous Bow Bells.

 Cheapside looking west today:

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1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the views of Cheapside in 1910 and today. While modern structures have their place, it's a shame developers didn't have the foresight to preserve the old buildings in the 1910 picture. They had so much character and detail.



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