Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year from !

A New Year's Eve special from As most of my postcards are topographic, I couldn't find any postcards that specifically celebrate New Year's Eve. So instead I present to you an evening's entertainment from approximately a hundred years ago. First up on the bill are Professor Howzeena's Wonderful Dwarfs. Can you just imagine what a night out it would be to be entertained by these artistes! I don't know much about them, but the back of the card provides a little tantalising info - just hand written text saying 'Freda Spencer, back left on end' and 'Swindon'. A quick look at the 1911 census for Swindon reveals that Freda May Spencer, a schoolgirl, aged 14, lived at 49 Brunswick St, Swindon. Assuming that this is the same Freda Spencer we can guess that this postcard was photographed between about 1915-1922. Click picture to enlarge.

Tonight's main attraction is Mr George White. Of course we all know and love his character impersonations, humorous songs and monologues and Scotch songs. All perfectly clean in every respect! A quick browse of the 1911 census reveals that George Percy White, age 23, lived at 1 Oakfield Terrace, Oakfield Road, Woking. He was a lodger and his profession was listed as an 'Agent and Canvasser' in the insurance industry. These days we would describe that profession as a door-to-door insurance salesman. I presume entertaining was a sideline. Click picture to enlarge.
Happy New Year from !



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