Friday, 2 August 2013

Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex, The Lighthouse 1913

Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex, The Lighthouse 1913. Unfortunately it is not possible to get exactly the same viewpoint on Google Street View as the one in this postcard. The photographer, William Applebee of Ashford, Middlesex, visited Sussex in 1913 accompanied by his wife and took some photographs of Sussex views including Worthing, Littlehampton, Shoreham and surrounding areas. Shoreham Lighthouse, built in 1846 is largely unchanged. Click the photo to enlarge.
For more old photos have a look at this week's Sepia Saturday blog.

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  1. That lighthouse has been standing there for a while. Does the light still shine out to sea and across the channel?

    1. Yes, it is part of the navigation lights for the entrance to Shoreham harbour. It is a 'private' lighthouse, maintained by the port authority

  2. The surroundings seem to have changed not a jot.

  3. A perfect fit for this weekend's theme, Howard. Why did the photographer trim the skyline across the roof tops and around the lighthouse? Were there clouds that detracted from the composition?

  4. That is such a dear sweet lighthouse. How do you copy or insert those Google photos? I'd like to do it more in my then and now posts but feel such a luddite sometimes when I try to do this sort of thing.

  5. Hello
    This is my first sepia Saturday
    I love seeing pictures using the then and now, if find is so interesting to see what is different

  6. Don't know whether or not my theory is correct but I've got the impression that lighthouses on the coast on or rocks and subjected to very rough weather have a very sturdy design whereas those on lakes or in more protected positions can be more decorative.

  7. Not such an isolated location for the lighthouse, lovely pc.

  8. Wonderful place! Each and every lighthouse has their own charm.

  9. Are you able to date the postcard Howard? There is no mistaking yje lighthouse in the google view

  10. There are a few similar images on Google Image search, including this one

  11. Lighthouses seem to have such interesting histories. They seem to be regarded with a sort of reverence by the people living nearby.

  12. I am glad that the lighthouse has been retained. I hope it is open as a museum or such.

  13. Beautiful place! I love this post and you have done a nice job. I love the view of it in the postcard.



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