Saturday, 18 May 2013

Frome, Somerset, Bath Road 1910

Frome, Somerset, Bath Road 1910. Frome (pronounced 'Froom') is a picturesque town in Somerset. Postcard by Young & Co of Teddington. Click the postcard to enlarge.

For more old photographs visit this week's Sepia Saturday blog.

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  1. Oh now this is a toss up, on which do I like better, and the answer is, they are both wonderful!Enjoy your weekend!

  2. It looks like Jacksons had a fine variety from which to choose. Frome looks a pretty town.

  3. This is a great postcard photo, Howard. I really like the perspective of the curved and rising street with a cyclist coming down and the clutter of the shops. And the ghostly figures in the doorway enhance the period quality.

  4. I love these "then and now" shots. And, I have to tell you, I always prefer the "then" shot! Thanks for some fabulous photos, Howard!

  5. Jackson & Sons were quite the businessmen!

  6. That view hasn't changed much.

  7. This postcard is absolutely full of fascinating bits and pieces. I think I would have liked to visit Mr Jackson's shop. Victorian/Edwardian ironmongers and hardware stores are usually the most interesting shopfronts to see on postcards, and I'm sure the booksellers & stationers would have occupied me for hours. As for the Ladies' Outfitting store on the opposite corner, my wife and daughters would have made a bee-line for that doorway. Nice to see that the street has retained much of its character, even if the contents of the shops are nowhere near as inviting.

  8. Remarkably alike despite the passage of time. Love the lamp standard (gas?) on the postcard.

  9. The more I see such comparisons as this the more I come to think that modern, over-large, vibrant, in-your-face store facias should be banned. They did some things better back then, more restrained, leaving you able to concentrate on the architecture.

  10. The first thing that hits you is that the Jacksons had the monopoly, but what an interesting shop that stationers would be.

  11. Your posts are always interesting. I never tire of looking at the old postcards.



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