Sunday, 17 March 2013

Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, The High Street c1920

Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, The High Street circa 1920. The High Street has changed considerably since the photograph was taken. The Chandos Hotel has long since gone. Postcard by Milton. Click the postcard to enlarge.

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  1. You can call me foolish, but take me back to the way it was! I may enjoy life better today than what they had back then, maybe, but the buildings were more to my liking back in the day- mostly the character of them, don't you think?

  2. What a shock to see the 'now'! The architectural style of the hotel entrance set on the corner is wonderful and it's all been lost. Do you think we are going through something similar here in the UK at the moment, where we have a lot of old pubs closing (though not with such outstanding architecture), and when you next drive past you see the pub has been demolished and x number of houses are going on the building plot or it has been 'transformed' into a characterless eating place.

  3. Just up the street past the Garage on the left are some shops which are still preserved. They have a busy ornamental frieze above the windows in terracotta that gives an interesting contrast with the brick work. The lower modern shops are a mishmash but I'd bet there is some great decorative tile work underneath.



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