Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Whitstable, Kent, Harbour Place, c1910

Whitstable, Kent, Harbour Place, circa 1910. Harbour Place is now called Woodlawn Street. Unfortunately I don't know what Waverley House was. It is now a Chinese take-away. On the right is the New Inn. Click the postcard to enlarge.

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  1. The Google perspective makes it look so much smaller. Maybe those ladies were very tiny.

  2. They all look like young ladies, with an older matron type, and a couple of domestics. Let's hope it was something nice and genteel, like a secretarial college.

  3. A wonderful image. I had the same thought as Christine but when I accidentally backed away in the Google View I got the identical camera view.

    I found this explanation in a book online: Whitstable in Old Picture Postcards. The girls are not in front of a school or factory, but more a YWCA.

    " 22. This undated card shows Waverley House, a holiday home for working girls. It is believed that the girls were domestic servants from London, sent by their employers to Whitstable for a rest from their duties. They were not set entirely free, however. The house was run by a matron who saw to the girls' welfare by, no doubt, keeping a strict eye on their behaviour. Though the address is given as 15 Harbour Place, this road, which runs from the right to the left of the card, has since been renamed Sydenharn Street. The lower building, immediately behind Waverley House, was Saint Peter's Sunday School which was demolished in 1985. The sign, partly obscured by the street gas lamp, was that of the New Inn public house. "


    1. Well done again Mike! you've hit the nail on the head.

  4. Great postcard and so interesting to read the history.

    1. Where can I buy this postcard or get a copy please as my Brother now owns this building. Thanks Jane



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