Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Chavey Down, Berkshire, Priory Road c1912

Chavey Down, Berkshire, Priory Road circa 1912. Have a look at this post for another view of Chavey Down. Postcard published by W. H. Applebee. Click to enlarge.

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  1. I took a virtual walk a little farther down the road and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wouldn't it be nice if we had a 100-year-old street view archive?

  2. It must have been difficult when the roads were all untarmac-ed, something we take very much for granted. In doing some research I was reading through a school log book from about 100 years ago and there were quite a few reports of children not getting into school (on foot obviously) because of the state of the roads, well at least that was the 'reason' given (there were also quite a lot of absences when the weather was fine too ;)).

  3. Thoughtful blog you have here



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