Saturday, 6 April 2013

Northfields, West London c1913

Northfields, West London c1913. Although the postcard caption states this to be West Ealing it would be more accurate to call it Northfields. On the right of the postcard we can see the Northfields Cinema, a typical early 'flea-pit' cinema, now demolished and replaced by the Navasartian Centre, an Armenian social club. Unfortunately I can't find anything online about this cinema. A little further north up Northfields Avenue was a big cinema, the West Ealing Kinema, built 1913 and demolished in 2004. South of the cinema in the postcard was another cinema, built in 1932 which still survives as a Pentecostal church. Click the postcard to enlarge.
For more old images visit the Sepia Saturday blog.

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  1. I don't think the complete removal of trees ever does a view many favours.

  2. Trees are definitely important to an urban environment, and those trees in the postcard view, plane trees I think, are not that old. There are a few survivors in the Google view. The Navasartian Centre have created an odd modern design that might have looked better had they preserved the Greco-Roman temple style.

  3. Interesting to see that there are more people out in the street in the first picture..a reflection of our modern car-bound lives I suppose.

  4. There is so much wonderful detail in your pc. I almost expect to see the cyclist a little further along the road as one can see the wheels turning :)

  5. Always enjoy a scene like the first - no posing - a street view of a moment in time.

  6. The scene looks more attractive with people and trees.

  7. The 'today' scene has nothing inviting about it at all. We have lost the character of the older more friendly view.

  8. That's a great old postcard. The view today is however quite non-descript.

  9. As a postcard collector myself, I have been following this blog with interest for some time. It has inspired me to start one on my collection of cards about Guelph, where I now live: Thanks!

  10. As usual, the old view is so much nicer than the new.



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