Tuesday 14 December 2010

Hounslow, The Broadway c1912

As I've now made over one hundred posts to this blog, something slightly special today. In this view of Hounslow it is difficult to tell where everything is. There is almost nothing old left in central Hounslow today. However, the row of terraced houses on the extreme left can be seen in the modern Google Streetview. Notice the cinema on the left of the postcard too. That was called the Hounslow Coliseum Picturedrome. The building that makes up the centre of the postcard has long gone and was approximately where the non-descript office building partially obscured by the tree and the H22 bus is. If you move in towards this modern building you can see it is derelict. Postcard published by W. H. Applebee of Ashford.

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In this detail from the postcard there are several advertisements of note; above the Nosegay sign on the right is an advert for Polaire (Émilie Marie Bouchaud) appearing in 'Come Over Here' at the London Opera House, Kingsway. Polaire was famous for her tiny, corsetted waist. On the left is an early advertisement for Triumph bicycles. Johnnie Walker scotch whisky, Nestlés milk and VIM cleaning powder are still with us, but Pink's Marmalade is no longer available. Click picture to enlarge.


  1. Oh, what I would give to have that Triumph bicycle poster or the Polaire one. Wow!

  2. The Polaire poster appears to be about ten feet tall. I can't imagine what such a poster would cost these days if one were to come on the market.
