Thursday 16 December 2010

Brentford, Middlesex, Ealing Road c1913

All of the buildings on the right hand side of the postcard have gone. I wonder what all of the people in the postcard were standing around for. They don't seem to be interested in the bus coming towards them. I wish I could see what was happening on the far right, clearly it is of some note to the spectators in this postcard, but we will never know what it was. The two men with aprons (brothers?) don't seem to be impressed by it though.

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Close-up of the right-hand side of the postcard, click to enlarge:


  1. Thanks for the close-up. It's almost as if they're waiting for some sort of procession to come by.

  2. I emailed this postcard to Celia Cotton who is responsible for the excellent Brentford High Street web project, she has provided a little more information on this postcard. Have a look at for some intersting insights - it looks like the guys with the aprons may have worked at the jam factory pictured in the postcard.

  3. Hi, have you thought of placing these images on the site, where you can overlay them onto Google Street View? I have put a few Ealing images there -!/geo:51.50324,-0.31624/zoom:14/
